Welcome to BC Beat kid's Magazine

I would like to take this time and Welcome everyone to the very first edition of my new Magazine called BC Beat Kids mag. Now everyone is probally wondering and yes we are affiliated with BC Beat as that is our parent company started by my two older sister's Abby & Kami. Now my name is Ivy and I am the Founder/ General Manager of BC Beat Kids magazine. Now you are all probally wondering why I said I was the founder / general manager of BC Beat Kids magazine well let me explain. Now my two older sister's Abby & Kami started BC Beat Magazine back in November 2018 and yes they may of changed the name of their mag a couple of time's BC Beat is where it all started for them. So I came up with this idea of BC Beat Kids Magazine and it is affiliated with their magazine BC Beat so I am the Founder of BC Beat Kids but not the whole Magazine as we are running together. 

  Now I am planning on having different section's in this magazine to make it fun for kids no matter how old they are.I do want to make this Magazine something special for everyone and yes there will be learning stuff included in this  also. Now I am new at this so let me explain something here we are gonna have things like a pet section for kids, Things regarding learning  and I am hoping an interview section and maybe a couple of  other section's that might surprise everyone with what they are for and I am just hoping that i can make this Magazine something special as I know I am gonna have a lot to try and live up to with my sister's running BC Beat. 

 Like I said this magazine will be for the kids and kids only and I am gonna try my best no matter what to make everyone happy with this magazine and I am planning on it being around for a while as i am thinking that i can and will have something special with this. 

 Well I am hoping that you all enjoy this magazine and I know together just like BC Beat we can make this a really good thing going.

  Ivy  ( Founder & General Manager )

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