Why Are FISH Shaped The Way They Are?

This article was written by Stephanie

There are more fish than any other kind of vertebrate - not surprising since our planet is mostly water.
Now to our question – why ARE fish shaped the way they are? To answer that, it is important to understand
the environment in which fish live. This affects their shape and how they survive.
First of all, fish are cold-blooded animals. Mammals, including humans,
are ‘warm-blooded’- their bodies can control their own temperature.
Mammals can grow a layer of fat or fur to protect them from the cold,
or they can take shelter in a cave. If they get hot, they can sweat or
hide in the shade. Fish cannot do this. Their body temperature is the
same as the environment around them - cool-water or warm-water.
When the water temperature goes up to high or down to low, they
must move somewhere else if they are to survive.
Fish can live in amazingly different environments. Some have been
found in the deepest of the oceans at around 11,000 metres (that is
deeper than Mt. Everest is high!). Others can live in mountain lakes at 4,500 metres above sea
level. That’s a difference of 15,500 metres. Humans can survive in only a portion of that range.
So what makes fish so good at living in different locations? Adaptation! Evolving over millions of years, fish
have adapted themselves to their environment.
The Flounder or Flatfish Family of fish are all flat, with both eyes on top of the head
and the mouth underneath. Many species of flounder or sole live off the west coast
of BC. They can feed along the ocean bottom and look out for enemies above
at the same time. Their skin is speckled on top to look like sand.
The Deep-Se a Angler Fish
lives in extremely deep water in
the Pacific Ocean off California
where it is under tremendous
pressure from the water above and
where hardly any light reaches. The
angler fish resists the pressure by being very
round in shape, with soft, thin bones and
jelly-like flesh. In fact, it is almost all water. As the angler 
fish can’t use its eyes to hunt for food, it has developed a thin organ
dangling from the top of its head, like a fishing line. Tiny bacteria at
the tip produce bioluminescence (light), which attracts prey. Thus,
drawn by the light, the food comes to the fish!
The Northern Pike is a hunting fish that lives in fresh water. It is
long and slender, with fins placed far back on its body. With a quick
burst of speed, the pike can race out of hiding and capture its prey.
Pike are common in the Peace region of northern BC.
The Tuna is a large fish that can swim
very fast, up to 77 kilometres per hour.
It has a wide body that narrows to be
very thin by the caudal (tail) fin. This
aerodynamic shape and fast side-toside movement of the fin is why the
tuna is able to swim so fast. This helps it
escape from predators. Many species of
tuna live off BC’s coast.
The American Eel doesn’t even look
like a typical fish. It is a snake-shaped fish
with extremely small scales, which give
its body a smooth appearance. Unlike
salmon, eels migrate from fresh to salt
water to spawn. American Eels are very strong swimmers. They swim
all the way from Lake Ontario out to the Sargasso Sea, an area way
off in the North Atlantic Ocean to lay their eggs - a distance of about
6,000 kilometres!
Littlest but not least important as an example of adaptation is a
population of Lake Chub, which live in the wetlands draining the
hot springs in Liard River Hot Springs Provincial Park in northern
British Columbia. They are small minnows that have adapted to
these warm waters and we mean really warm (for fish) at
 temperatures from
 15 to 26°C, during summer. As far as
 we know, this is the only place where chub survive in
 water that is this warm.


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