Letter from the Editor


      Well we are just coming off the heels of our 6th edition and we are hoping that you all enjoyed that edition and right now we have everyone working hard on the 7th edition here to bring you some great things that we are hoping that you all find interesting and great as in this edition we are also going to bringing you some very important info regarding home schooling and other things that you can do with your little ones in this trying time right now. now like I said we have done stuff in this edition for you parents and grand parents that are doing the home schooling with little ones and we have even looked into including some stuff for Kids in the higher grades as well.

 Now like I said everyone has been working hard on this edition and I would like to take this time to thank everyone that has been working on it and I would also like to take this time and thank everyone that has shared and liked our page on facebook as well. I would also like to let everyone know that there should be some new section's coming soon but I will be talking to Ivy, Abby and Kami about that more because I am not sure when those section's will be made official. 

 Now I have been talking to Abby, Kami and Ivy regarding some new idea's for the page's and we might be trying to do some advertising for some local business's here soon on our page's very much like what we already do with our parent magazine in BC Beat but we have not finalized this idea yet but this is just up in the air right now as we are going to be talking to everyone that works/write's for us in this magazine as it is a lot of the same people that we have in the other magazine.

Now I am going to keep this short because I want everyone to enjoy this edition of the magazine. Now I am hoping that everyone is going to like the section's regarding home schooling for kids of all ages and I am hoping that everyone is going to be able to share this edition and please make sure that everyone see's this edition as we are going to be including links for different programs for home schooling. 

Well I hope you all enjoy this edition and I hope that it does help people out that are having problem's with finding cool things to do with their kids. 


    Rachel ( Editor of BC Beat Kids and BC Beat magazine's )

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