Letter from the Editor's

 Well I like to say that we are hot off the heels of our fourth edition and we are now on to our biggest edition in a way cause this is a history making edition as Ivy eluded to in her letter from the founder and i have to admit I am very proud to be the new editor to this Magazine and by the way my name is Rachel and I am very honored to be the editor of this Magazine as well as the regular BC Beat Magazine. I am very happy that Ivy, Abby and Kami have put alot of faith in me to be the Editor of both Magazine's and I am also happy to announce that my assistant Editor for this Magazine is Karrissa. 

I am very glad that Karrissa has become the new assistant editor to the magazine and I am just happy to be apart of all these great and fantastic changes that are taking place here right now. I am also very glad and proud to be apart of this history in BC Beat right now cause this is the first time that we have even had a kids magazine and the fact that this is our 5th edition is even making this whole thing and journey even sweeter for all of us here. Now like Ivy has eluded too in her letter there has already been some big changes. Now one of the new big changes that the company has made is the fact that we have now have our first male family member written for us and he has done ghost writting for us before with BC Beat. Now like I said we do have a male family member writting for us with this Magazine  and that is Dustyn. 

Now not only am I happy that i am apart of this whole history in the company and I know Karrissa is as she is beside me right now while I am writting this but at the same time we are both happy to have Dustyn apart of this Magazine aswell. Now I know it sounds weird having one of our male family member's involvled in this magazine but I am damn glad that he is on board and I know that his articles will be good as he has already done good with his ghost writting in BC Beat Magazine. Now I know that Abby and Kami have probably never thought that when they started this whole Magazine that one day it would just be us girl's that were working for this magazine and I am glad that they have now decided to give Dustyn the opertunity aswell. 

Well I know that this edition is going to be good as like I said this is our 5th edition and I know this is our history making edition and I know all the girl's and guy have worked hard on this edition so i know everyone is probably looking forward to reading it. I would like to take this time to thank Abby, Kami and Ivy once again for this opertunity for being the editor here aswell and I would like to say that I am looking forward to making this a great magazine like it can be and I know Karrissa is aswell. 

Well everyone thank you hitting the like button and sharing the facebook page and we hope that you keep it up and I hope that you all enjoy this edition aswell and please remember to keep telling your friends about us and please keep sharing the page.


       Rachel and Karrissa ( Editor and Assistant Editor )

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